A Letter to My Client About Thought, Wisdom and Overthinking

If you have coached with me, you know that I coach from an authentic and vulnerable space. I write this letter from the same space within me. I want you to read this not for an intellectual understanding, but for a deeper insight. An intellectual understanding is when you take new information and try to compare it with what you already know, and decide whether it fits in or whether you need to discard it. Insight on the other hand is when you read something to see if it evokes something inside of you. Insight has nothing to do with the information I’m giving you in this letter. By its very nature, it has to do with you looking inside and finding something that appears true to you. Read for insight. As you are reading, reflect and acknowledge what comes up for you from within. That is what matters.

You might be thinking that there are some things that are absolutely core to you. These are beliefs that have shaped you in the past as you were becoming who you are today. These might be things that you think you can never compromise on. They evoke a deep emotional response in you. They are your truth. They are part of you. But are they really your truth? Or are they somebody else’s truth that you have unconsciously adopted? It could be your parents, your friends, the movies, or the intangible culturescape that you lived in. As your personal coach, I help you speak your truth to power. It implicitly means that part of what we do together is discovering what your truth is.

We all have an inner knowing of what’s right. However, we often confuse this inner knowing with the noise of our thinking that took shape as a result of years of conditioning. The silent truth of our inner knowing is buried under the endless appeals for attention the noise demands. Subash Chandra Bose once met Adolf Hitler during the Indian struggle for independence. It is said that Hitler employed lookalikes and Bose was approached by one of them. It was a test that Hitler often played – sending in his decoys to meet his guests and tricking them into believing that they met Hitler. Bose, however, did not fall for this trick. Intrigued, Hitler called for Bose and asked him how he knew that it was his lookalike. Bose replied, ‘A fake Hitler needs to play the part. The real Hitler just doesn’t care.’

The noise of our thinking shouts and screams and claims that it is the truth. The inner knowing just sits still, knowing that it holds the truth. We are conscious beings. As we take charge of our experience of living, it becomes important that we become conscious of distinctions regarding what’s true for us and what appears true. The more distinctions we know, the more empowered we are. A good psychiatrist knows the distinctions between several mental disorders. An effective storyteller knows the distinctions between various narrative forms. A surgeon knows the distinctions between different types of incisions. As a transformative coach, part of my job is to help you recognize the distinctions that are important for you to know about your life and your work. One of the key distinctions that have the potential to be life changing is the distinction between thought and wisdom. Wisdom is what I call the inner knowing. Thought is everything else in your mind that clouds your wisdom.

Don’t get me wrong, thought is important. It is sacred. It is all pervasive. We are not undermining thought, for it forms part of the creative potential within us all. This potential can be used to enhance our wisdom, or to subdue it. Thought is potent. If we are not conscious of its use, we can use it against ourselves. Just like you used your new knife to slice through your veggies and the skin on your fingertips. When we are conscious of our thoughts, we feel inspired being in the creative mode. We make magic happen in our life. We use it to enhance and amplify the voice of our wisdom. We then hear our inner knowing speak clearly. We know what to do. We see the next step unfolding for us. But we are conditioned to listen to our thinking instead. We learn it unconsciously because almost everyone around us seems to be listening to their thinking too. We believe that it is the way to be. This has happened to you just as it has happened to me and everyone else that you and I know of. Years down the line, it might feel overwhelming to think that there’s a different way of looking at things. Infact, it is precisely because of the way you have looked at things until now, that you are experiencing the gamut of emotions you are feeling right now.

Emotions are our body’s way of speaking to us. It is our inner knowing trying to tell us that something needs our attention. That thought is running amok and it requires your conscious intervention. But we tend to think more about it instead of lessening the thinking and listening to wisdom. We overthink. And the voice of the wisdom drowns in this overthinking. When your computer does not respond, and the processor is overloaded, would you give it a bunch of more inputs to see if it responds? Or would you take a pause and see it for what it is? Remember that computers, just like us, and any of the human creations, are mimicked after how nature works. We just feel stuck in this whirlpool of thought. We do not see that it is a whirlpool of our own creation. It does not appear obvious that we can never get stuck in the whirlpool, we can only have the whirlpool stuck in us. We are the container and the creator. We are the observer and the observed. 

Take your time to let this wash over you. Read it again if you have to, not for agreement or disagreement, but for insight. Let deeper insights surface as you stay in this space. Write back to me on what is surfacing for you from within.

Championing you growth and success,
Rishi Rongala